K. Male'
28 Mar 2017 | Tue 21:11
Nasheed was pushed to the ground as he said a few words to reporters while being taken into Court on February 23, 2015
Nasheed was pushed to the ground as he said a few words to reporters while being taken into Court on February 23, 2015
Politically Motivated Charges
New terror charge raised against Nasheed, hearing on Wed.
Terrorism charges were raised against Nasheed over President Yameen's detention in Aarah in 2010
Yameen was the Mulak constituency MP at the time
While Nasheed's defence minister has also been charges, his administration maintains Yameen was arrested 'for his own safety'

State has once again raised terror charges against former President Mohamed Nasheed, this time for President Abdulla Yameen’s- then the representative for Mulak constituency- detention in Aarah in 2010.

The case was forwarded to the Criminal Court on February 27, with the first hearing scheduled for 1:30 pm on Wednesday, March 29.

President Yameen was detained on July 14, 2010, taken to Aarah and released nine days later on the 23rd. He was arrested by the military after his release from police custody, amid reports that bribes were being funneled to lawmakers to remove Nasheed, then President.

Nasheed’s government maintains that Yameen was detained ‘for his own safety’, as decided by the National Security Committee.

While Nasheed has been charged over Yameen’s arrest, terrorism charges have been raised against his Defence Minister Ameen Faisal. The last hearing in Faisal’s case, scheduled for March 26, was cancelled as presiding Judge Ibrahim Ali had been absent on account of his health.

Nasheed administration’s Chief of Defence Moosa Ali Jaleel was also summoned to the police headquarters for questioning over the case, but charges were not raised against him.

The former President was sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment in March 2015, also on terror charges over the arrest of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed in 2012.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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