K. Male'
26 Mar 2017 | Sun 17:31
Member of Parliament for Galolhu South Ahmed Mahloof
Member of Parliament for Galolhu South Ahmed Mahloof
Hunger strike
MDP calls to investigate Mahloof’s situation due to hunger strike
No access to lawyers
No access to proper medical care
Appeal stalled, while Mahloof completes jail term

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has called on the relevant bodies to investigate the circumstances under which Member of Parliament for Galolhu South Ahmed Mahloof to begin his hunger strike.

A statement released by the Party today said that Mahloof has been deprived from meeting his lawyer and was subject to subpar treatment in jail. As such, the statement said that due to this, Mahloof’s health had deteriorated. Mahloof needs to be administered an injection every three months, as advised by his doctors. However, no such arrangements had been made for the Parliamentarian. MDP had expressed concerns over this.

“Ahmed Mahloof has begun a hunger strike over these issues and we once again call on relevant state authorities to investigate this issue immediately. We also call on the Government to desist the attacks made on Mahloof and to free him immediately,” it said.

MDP adds that Mahloof was jailed purely because he had spoken outright against the Government’s corruption and graft and injustice.

“He was jailed unjustly through a deeply flawed trial and the injustice still continues while he is behind bars,” the statement noted.

MDP further noted that he had been deprived of right to parole, even after most of his two sentences had been completed, in additional to the appeal which to this day has languished in appellate courts.

Mahloof’s wife, on Friday, confirmed to Raajje.mv that he had begun the hunger strike, over denied basic rights and subpar treatment in jail.

READ MORE: Mahloof begins hunger strike in jail

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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