K. Male'
26 Mar 2017 | Sun 04:19
On Friday, Faris revealed that he had been summoned to police five time in three days
On Friday, Faris revealed that he had been summoned to police five time in three days
Maseeh's No-Confidence
Faris's strength cannot be weakened, says Thimarafushi MP
Musthafa says that Faris "remains steadfast in his work"
Former President Nasheed has also praised Faris's strength
Faris is spearheading the no-confidence motion against the parliament speaker

Faris Maumoon’s “strength cannot be weakened”, says MP for Thimaraufushi constituency, Mohamed Musthafa.

In a tweet sent on Friday night, the ruling party MP said that Faris’s strength cannot be weakened, adding that he “remains steadfast” in his work.

Musthafa’s praises were directed at the various tactics being used by authorities to intimidate the Dhiggaru constituency MP, as he spearheads a no-confidence motion against parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed.

On Friday night, Faris revealed that he has been summoned to the Maldives Police Service (MPS) five times in the past three days, adding that the allegations against him are unclear, and that “the narrative had changed with each summon”.

He maintained that he “will fulfill [his] obligations”, and there are “some influential figures” that wants have him arrested, but that “they will fail to do so”.

He said the intimidation was proof that the no-confidence motion will pass.

In addition, Faris has been summoned to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), “for questioning over an ongoing investigation”.

Faris is the son of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and half-nephew of incumbent President Abdulla Yameen, who have been quarreling over leadership of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives(PPM).

He, along with 25 opposition lawmakers, submitted a co-confidence motion against parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed on March 7.

On Wednesday, he joined lawmakers from Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Jumhooree Party (JP), and Adhaalath Party, in a multi-party press conference, representing Maumoon's faction of PPM.

Leader of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), and his father's successor former President Mohamed Nasheed had also praised Faris's strength "in the face of such blatant intimidation".

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Dheli Copy
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