K. Male'
26 Mar 2017 | Sun 03:26
KD Ahmed Manik passed away on Saturday evening
KD Ahmed Manik passed away on Saturday evening
KD Ahmed Manik
KD Ahmed Manik passes away
KD Ahmed Manik was receiving treatment at ADK Hospital
Ex-President Maumoon called him a “boyhood friend and longtime government servant”

KD Ahmed Manik, who had served in the government for a long period, passed away on Saturday evening, at age 80.

RaajjeMV has learnt that Manik passed away while receiving treatment for a heart-related issue at ADK Hospital.  

KD Ahmed Manik had had served in various senior posts in the government, including controller of Immigration Contorller, senior posts in the military and in the Sports Division. He had also served as the Commissioner of Elections, and was a parliamentarian for a long period.

Following his passing, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom sent out condolences via twitter, expressing sadness at the passing of his “boyhood friend and longtime government servant”.

KD Ahmed leaves behind a wife, four children and six grandchildren.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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