K. Male'
24 Mar 2017 | Fri 01:35
IGMH's temporary flu clinic is located in Thaajudheen School
IGMH's temporary flu clinic is located in Thaajudheen School
Mohamed Sharuhaan
H1N1 Outbreak
As schools reopen, IGMH starts work to move flu clinic back to hospital
IGMH's temporary flu clinic is located in Thaajudheen School
Education ministry announced that schools will reconvene on Sunday

Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) has said that it has begun work to move its flu clinic, temporarily set up in Thaajudheen School, to the hospital.

IGMH’s public relations and media coordinator Ahmed Mausoon confirmed that work to move the clinic to the hospital is ongoing, as schools are to reconvene on Sunday.

READ MORE: Schools to reopen on Sunday

He said that all the necessary work will be completed on Friday.

Ministry of Education has on Thursday announced that school sessions will commence on Sunday.

Mausoom said that nine flu patients are currently being treated at the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Mausoom, on Tuesday, said that a number of people have been lining up for doctor’s consultation at the hospitals flu clinic, but that the number has decreased since March 18.

The IGMH flu clinic was opened in Thaajudheen School on March 14, a day after the H1N1 outbreak was made public.

ADK Hospital closed its flu clinic on Thursday.

READ MORE: ADK Hospital closes flu clinic

On March 13, Health Protection Agency (HPA) announced the rapid spread of the disease, declaring alert level at phase three and closing off schools. Three individuals have succumbed to the disease thus far.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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