K. Male'
21 Mar 2017 | Tue 22:41
Members of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission
Members of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission
Presidents Office
Warnings against media
MBC issues warning towards media
MBC calls to refrain from carrying reportage that could damper diplomatic relations
Criminal Court, on Sunday, said that legal action will be taken against those that 'encourage' terrorism
Opposition MDP likened the court’s warning to ‘words of tyrannical politician'

Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) has called on journalists and media organizations to refrain from carrying reportage that could ruin the country’s reputation, as well as ‘encourage’ terrorism.

A statement released by the Commission called to refrain from covering stories in manner that it dampers the country’s diplomatic relationships with other nations.  

It claimed that reportage over the recent outbreak of the flu “is being carried in a way that instills fear and hatred among the public.”

The Commission said that it has noticed that “some of the content being broadcast violate broadcasting code of practice, and the Defamation and Freedom of Expression Law” adding that it condemned this.

It called on all broadcasters to fully adhere to broadcasting regulations.

MBC’s statement comes after Criminal Court’s warning towards journalists and media organizations, stating that those that cover stories in a manner that hinders public confidence in state institutions and the government - and in doing so encourages terrorism - will be prosecuted.

READ MORE: Criminal Court issues warning to media over “terror positive coverage”

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) condemned Criminal Court’s warning, saying that the warning is contrary to standards the entire world holds on justice and freedom, and to stop ‘humiliating the entire nation.

READ MORE: Criminal Court's press warning humiliates Maldives: MDP

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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