K. Male'
21 Mar 2017 | Tue 06:11
Eydhafushi Constituency Member Ahmed ‘Redwave’ Saleem
Eydhafushi Constituency Member Ahmed ‘Redwave’ Saleem
People Megazine
Parliament watch
Ali Hussain confirms intimidation of Parliament Members
Ali Hussain says Redwave Saleem voted due to fear of possible jail term
No other option but to vote for amendment

Parliament Member for Kendhoo Constituency Ali Hussain has stated that Members of Parliament regularly face intimidation from the Government. He said the Eydhafushi Constituency Member Ahmed ‘Redwave’ Saleem had reported that he was threatened with jail if he had not vote in favor of the controversial amendment that allowed foreigners to own land in the country.

He made the statement in a panel discussion organized by Transparency Maldives on the issue. Ali Hussain said on the day the second amendment was made to the Constitution, Saleem had requested him to carry out any initiative to halt the amendment as he was unable to do so. Ali Hussain said that Saleem had revealed that he had been threatened.

“I will say this today, on that day, when the Constitution was amended, when the issue was on debate, Eydhafushi Constituency MP was sitting on my right. He begged me that day, asked me to stop the motion in any manner. Saying that he did not want to sell off land. Saying that he was threatened. He said they had reminded him of [former Dhiggaru Constituency MP] Nazim, his 25-year jail term. Said he will be jailed for the same time. Said he had no choice,” said Ali Hussain.

Ali Hussain further said the bill was fast tracked through the Parliament so that MPs did not have sufficient time to grasp the concept and implication of “freehold”.

Saleem was unable for any comment, as he is currently abroad.

Rumors had circulated that intimidation was a part of Government rule book, when pushing bills and agenda through the Parliament. Businesses of certain MPs have been on the receiving end of Government action, after they had expressed discontent over Government policies.


Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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