K. Male'
14 Mar 2017 | Tue 08:07
Faris, along with 26 other MPs, submitted a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Maseeh last week
Faris, along with 26 other MPs, submitted a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Maseeh last week
Government Intimidation
Ex-President Nasheed commends son of his predecessor
Nasheed said he admired Faris's "strength"
On Monday, Faris received a summon notice, ordering him to present himself to the ACC on Tuesday
He is spearheading the opposition's efforts to impeach parliament speaker

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has commended Ahmed Faris Maumoon, the son of his predecessor.

In a tweet sent out on Monday, Nasheed said that he admired the Dhiggaru constituency MP’s “strength in the face of such blatant intimidation.”

Nasheed’s tweet comes after Faris received a notice, summoning him to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) as he continues to remain involved in the work being carried out to hold the government accountable.

Confirming the matter, Faris said described it as “politically motivated harassment before the speaker’s no confidence vote.”

READ MORE: ACC summoning is 'harassment', says Faris Maumoon

Most recently, Faris- with 26 other opposition lawmakers- submitted a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker, Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed; which has been tabled for March 27.

Faris is the son of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the leader of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM). PPM has been split into two factions since June 2016, as the former President and his half-brother, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen continue to be involved in a public dispute over party leadership.

Since the split, Faris has been working alongside his father in his work to reform PPM, with Maumoon officially withdrawing support for his brother’s administration in October 2016.

Following Nasheed's praise, Faris tweeted back to the former President, thanking him.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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