K. Male'
10 Mar 2017 | Fri 12:58
President Mohamed Nasheed with Senator John McCain
President Mohamed Nasheed with Senator John McCain
President Nasheed in US
Ex-Pres. Nasheed meets Senator John McCain
Nasheed in US meeting senior government officials
Nasheed’s Lawyer Jared Genser attended meetings

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has met US Senator John McCain. Nasheed’s lawyer, Jared Genser was with Nasheed in the meeting.

Genser tweeted that the meeting with Senate Armed Services Chairman Senator John McCain and Nasheed was an amazing one.



He also met Jim McGovern, co-Chair of the Human Rights Commission at the Senate. Jared’s tweet also said that discussions centered on human rights in the Maldives. No additional details of the meetings were released.



Nasheed had participated in the panel discussion held on Monday night in University of Michigan, USA. In his panel address, Nasheed had highlighted on the various abuses he had faced during his fight for democracy. He also reflected on the various times he had been arrested, even after being elected to the Parliament.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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