K. Male'
03 Mar 2017 | Fri 23:20
F Bilehdhoo protest
F Bilehdhoo protest
Protests over Faafu Atoll sale
Several protesters from Bilehdhoo arrested
Two women among those arrested
Several vessels checked by Police

Several protesters from Faafu Bilehdhoo were arrested today, from the citizens-led protest that flared up in the island over the lack of information over the proposed mega-project for the Atoll.

Speaking to Raajje.mv, Bilehdhoo Council President Hassan Maumoon said five were arrested from the protests, including two women. He said around a hundred Police officers were in the island to quell the protest and that they were checking fishing vessels in the island. He also said the Police officers had banned unloading any cloth items to the island.

In spite of the ban, the citizens of the island had displayed banners written in Arabic, which were promptly seized by Police.

Maumoon said the protest was initially planned to be held on fishing vessels on open sea, but they were unable to do so.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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