K. Male'
01 Mar 2017 | Wed 14:41
Justice Building
Justice Building
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Death of Mohamed Ibthihal
High Court supports Shuzad dismissal verdict
Three Judges agreed unanimously on verdict

High Court had supported the decision made by the Employment Tribunal’s decision regarding the dismissal of Councilor Ahmed Shuzad who had worked in Family and Children’s Service Center in Vaavu Atoll at the time of the death of Mohamed Ibthihal.

Judges Ali Sameer, Abdullah Hameed and Abdu Rauf Ibrahim at the High Court had agreed on the decision unanimously. The decision was filed for appeal by the State. The High Court decision said that Shuzad was dismissed for having failed to guarantee protection for Ibthihal granted under Vaavu Atoll Family and Children’s Services Center mandate. However, the ruling said Shuhad’s job roles and Gender Ministry procedures were not made clear.

Shuzadh said he was not given job roles and the State had failed to produce the standard procedure that must be followed in such cases.

Charges had been filed against five civil service employees, including Shuzadh.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Dheli Copy
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