K. Male'
28 Feb 2017 | Tue 17:30
Minister Azleen speaking at an event.
Minister Azleen speaking at an event.
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Former PG Muhuthaaz Muhusin
Police will not be accountable for officers' personal wrongdoing
Police officers are all educated and must hold themselves with integrity, the Minister said.
Criticized recent circulation of his photographs on social networks.

The entire policing institution shall not be responsible for the personal responsibilities of individual officers, Home Minister Ahmed Azleen said.

The Minister imparted this speaking to a graduates at the Police’s Institute for Security and Law Enforcement Studies, and said that officers should use their education to instill a culture of professionalism and integrity in themselves.

Minister Azleen further said that the officers, though they face a lot of obstacles in their interaction with society, which needs to acknowledge their authority, must act with integrity.

“The entire institution cannot be held responsible for every individual and their wrongdoing, so it is their sole responsibility to maintain their professional and personal integrity” he said.

In his speech, Azleen also criticized the recent commentary on circumstances surround the discharge of two officers, which included his portrait attached next to leaked explicit images. The Minister said it was handled irresponsibly.

“In a manner of response to a statement I gave earlier saying that officers of the police were responsible and proffessional indivuals, my photo along with images aimed at harassing the integrity of the police circulated on social networks, this is unacceptable” he added.

Azleen is President Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s third Home Minister.


READ MORE: Police officer dismissed over video

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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