K. Male'
19 May 2019 | Sun 15:59
Kudahuvadhoo constituency MP, Ahmed Amir
Kudahuvadhoo constituency MP, Ahmed Amir
People's Majlis
MP Amir expresses interest in becoming deputy speaker
He was elected to parliament for a third term this April

Kudahuvadhoo constituency MP, Ahmed Amir has expressed interest in being deputy parliament speaker.

He was elected to parliament for a third term this April.

Amir told RaajjeMV he had expressed interest in the post for the 18th parliament as well, but that he withdrew his name due to the difference of opinion between then ruling coalition partners, Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and Maldives Development Alliance (MDA).

Amir said that he hopes to get main ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s support in bid to become deputy speaker. He added that all elected parliamentarians must remember Article 75 of the Constitution, when making such decisions, despite being elected through different parties and having different opinions.

“Members of the People’s Majlis should be guided in their actions by considerations of national interest and public welfare foremost, and should not exploit their official positions in any way for their own benefit or for the benefit of those with whom they have special relations. They shall represent not only their constituencies but the country as a whole” – Article 75, Maldives Constitution

MP Amir added that he expects to get support from all parties.

While a number of MDP lawmakers have expressed interest in the highest post in parliament, Amir said that they should elect the one “that will act as per Article 75.”

Amir is the first MP to have expressed interest in being deputy speaker, while North-Galolhu constituency MP Eva Abdulla seems to be a favorite for the post, after a fellow MDP MP proposed her name.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali