K. Male'
27 Feb 2017 | Mon 18:26
(far-right) Sheikh Shaheem sits at a press conference alongside other senior members of the AP
(far-right) Sheikh Shaheem sits at a press conference alongside other senior members of the AP
Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem
Ex-Islamic Minister Sheikh Shaheem leaves Adhaalath Party
The former Minister of Islamic affairs first announced his plans to leave the party in 2015
He resigned as Islamic Minister after AP leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla was arrested for a political speech

Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has on Monday announced his official departure from the opposition Adhaalath Party (AP), an year since he announced that he had plans to split from the religiously conservative party. 

The former Minister of Islamic affairs first announced as such in 2015, and on Sunday had confirmed his official departure through a post on his Facebook page. 

Shaheem, now chancellor at the Islamic University, said he had asked the party to ommit his name from the membership registry on the 14th of February. 

In the post, Shaheem said despite having contradicting political policies with the party, he bears no ill-will towards any members. 

Shaheem resigned from his position as Minister to show solidarity with the AP, after an 81-member vote from the party's council. The council urged Shaheem to resign after party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla was arrested and tried under terror charges for a speech he gave in a political rally in May. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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