K. Male'
14 May 2019 | Tue 17:26
Senior officials of FENAKA Corporation
Senior officials of FENAKA Corporation
Fenaka Corporation
Fenaka Corporation
FENAKA to establish online payment portal for customers
Customers currently have to make bill payments to different branches of the corporation

State-run utilities company, FENAKA Corporation has revealed that they are working to establish an online portal through which their customers may make bill payments.

Responding to customer queries through social media platform Twitter, FENAKA’s Managing Director, Mohamed Saeed revealed that they will introduce the online portal "very soon."

FENAKA employees currently have to make bill payments at different branches of the company.

The company is observed to be strengthening its management by working harder to offer solutions to many issues customers face, day-by-day.

As such, the company has provided new generators to some islands within the previous week.

FENAKA is working to bring speedy and efficient solutions to the issues their customers face, in the near future.

The utilities company generates electricity and provides water systems to many outlying islands.

- comment
7 months ago
I tried to find bill easy to pay online
3 years ago
Mohamed Latheef
I tried to find bill easy pay online. cant find the page, could you tee me how i can find the page, thank you