K. Male'
14 Apr 2019 | Sun 09:03
Former President Mohamed Nasheed with Hisaan Hussain; MDP\'s candidate who won Thulhaadhoo seat
Former President Mohamed Nasheed with Hisaan Hussain; MDP's candidate who won Thulhaadhoo seat
Parliamentary Elections 2019
Case to be filed at SC seeking to nullify Thulhaadhoo seat result, leaked audio reveals
The case is to be filed at SC on Sunday

An audio clip of two individuals conversing to lodge a case at Supreme Court to nullify the results of the Saturday ballots for a constituency won by a candidate fielded by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), has leaked.

While two individuals are heard speaking of the case seeking to nullify the results for Thulhaadhoo constituency in the audio clip, RaajjeMV understands that they are to file it at the Supreme Court on Sunday morning.

It is clear that one of the two voices in the audio clip belongs to a lawyer, the other is heard saying that he has a letter by the opposition Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) as well as the responsive letter for one addressed to PPM by the Elections Commission.

The response by the EC in question was to file the case at Supreme Court if the party wishes to investigate it further.

The lawyer is then heard saying that they are unsure if the Supreme Court ruling will be in their favor or not, however, the other party is heard saying that it is a “guaranteed” case and that he does not wish to converse on the matter further. He went on to assure the lawyer that he will not have to attend many hearings and that the SC will issue a ruling very soon.

According to the final results publicized by the EC last week, MDP’s Hisaan Hussain who is also a prominent lawyer had won the seat with 1,521 votes and opposition-fielded Mohamed Atheef followed with 796 votes.

RaajjeMV understands that the case is to be lodged at the SC by lawyer Ahmed Zaneen Adam who has been paid MVR 190,000 to take on the case.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany