K. Male'
31 Oct 2018 | Wed 15:08
Inguraidhoo constituency MP Ibrahim Falaah
Inguraidhoo constituency MP Ibrahim Falaah
Fathimath Shana Mohamed
People's Majlis
PPM MP to submit no-confidence motion against Manik “within next few days”
The Inguraidhoo constituency MP, Ibrahim Falaah, announced this at Wednesday’s parliament sitting
Manik currently presides over parliament sittings, following a no-confidence motion submitted against speaker Maseeh
The impeachment motion has been placed on the agenda for November 8

Ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)’s deputy parliamentary group leader is to submit a no-confidence motion against parliament deputy speaker Moosa Manik.

The Inguraidhoo constituency MP, Ibrahim Falaah, announced this at Wednesday’s parliament sitting.

He said that a no-confidence motion against the deputy speaker will be submitted “within the next few days”.

Manik currently presides over parliament sittings, following a no-confidence motion submitted against speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed last week with 51 signatures.

MP Falaah accused Manik of acting “against parliament regulations”.

Noting that a parliament sitting was scheduled for Tuesday, Falaah alleged that Manik had cancelled it later that night, only to reschedule the sitting to 11am.

He further said that Manik’s actions are “worrying”.

Responding to Falaah’s accusations, MP Manik highlighted that he is not in charge of scheduling parliament sittings, adding that this is being done by the speaker.

He also claimed that Maseeh has been “hassling” him.

Speaker Maseeh’s impeachment motion has been placed on the agenda for November 8, giving him the required 14 days since the submission of the motion.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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