K. Male'
15 Oct 2018 | Mon 13:51
Supreme Court of the Maldives
Supreme Court of the Maldives
2018 Presidential Election
Supreme Court halts hearing in constitutional case, to proceed in the afternoon
The hearing is to continue at 01:30 p.m
'Will decide on presenting secret witnesses and testimonies in the afternoon'
Elections Commission to testify at today's hearing

Supreme Court has gone into recess in the trial for the ongoing constitutional case submitted by the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives. The first session of Monday's hearings started at 10:30 a.m.

RaajjeMV understands that the trial is to proceed after recess in the afternoon.

Presiding bench of judges had announced that a decision will be reached on whether secret witnesses and testimonies will be allowed in the trial or not.

PPM had presented their case in detail during the morning session of the court proceeding.

Azima Shakoor is representing President Abdulla Yameen, who filed the constitutional case in early October, at today’s hearing.  Mohamed Saleem, the leading attorney in the first hearing held in the case on Sunday, had presented to the court, a photo of the alleged rings that were allegedly brought to rig the election.

PPM presented three pieces of evidence against Ahmed Shareef, Elections Commissioner, who PPM claims have rigged the elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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