K. Male'
18 Sep 2018 | Tue 12:04
File photo: President Abdulla Yameen at a PPM event
File photo: President Abdulla Yameen at a PPM event
2018 Presidential Elections
PPM offers MVR 1,000 to those traveling to attend 'size' rally
PPM is to hold its mass rally on Tuesday night, says they expect 20,000 participants
RaajjeMV understands that those traveling from outlying islands are being offered MVR 1,000 each
There have been reports that the ruling party has been coercing civil service employees into attending their activities

While the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) is to hold its mass rally on Tuesday night, RaajjeMV has learnt of an MVR 1,000 offer to each individual traveling to attend the event from the outlying islands.

As such, one that traveled to the capital from Addu City told RaajjeMV that their whole group was paid MVR 1,000 to attend both Tuesday night's rally and the one in the evening to inaugurate the main airport's newly developed runway.

While RaajjeMV understands that the money is for two-night stay in Malé and food, the daily rate for a room in the congested capital is MVR 400.

Opposition lawmaker Ahmed Mahloof claims that PPM is chartering flights to bring in people from the outlying islands so as to 'show the party's size'.

On Monday, PPM's senior officials said that they expect 20,000 individuals to attend the gathering at the Maafannu Stadium.

PPM's presidential candidate incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and running mate Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed will attend the campaign event.

There have been reports that the ruling party has been coercing civil service employees into attending their activities. However, PPM denies this.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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