K. Male'
09 Aug 2018 | Thu 17:40
Ministry of Foregin Affairs building
Ministry of Foregin Affairs building
Saudi Arabia - Maldives- Canad
Maldives takes Saudi Arabia's side in its diplomatic feud against Canada
Saudi's capital Riyadh cut ties after Canada called for the release of jailed political activists
Riyadh also dismissed Canadian Ambassador
Saudi Kingdom has full solidarity from Maldives government in supporting the policies and actions adopted to uphold its sovereignty

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a statement on Wednesday in regard to the diplomatic row between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the government of Canada following Saudi’s capital, Riyadh having cut ties after Canada called for the release of jailed political activists.

The dispute flared when the Canadian government expressed concerns regarding the manner in which the Kingdom of Saudi treats human rights activists in the country following which the capital of Saudi froze new trade, investment and educational agreements made between both countries going on to expel the Canadian Ambassador as well.

According to Reuters, Riyadh had also ended state-backed educational and medical programs in the dispute flared when Canada demanded the release of jailed political activists.

Following the uproar, the Maldives Foreign Ministry had released a statement stating that the government of Maldives is following the diplomatic row between Canada and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, “with concern.”

“The provocation by any foreign state hindering the respect for sovereignty and the basic principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states is a clear violation of the international conventions and norms of conduct between states” reads the ministry’s statement.

The statement further goes on to affirm the Maldives full solidarity with the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in “supporting the policies and actions adopted to uphold its sovereignty”. The ministry further goes on to state the importance of respect from all states, as well as the importance to honor the noble principles of the United Nations Charter as well as to “resolve their differences amicably through diplomacy and dialogue”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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