K. Male'
29 Jul 2018 | Sun 23:38
Ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives officially hands over party ticket to President Yameen
Ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives officially hands over party ticket to President Yameen
Mohamed Sharuhaan
2018 Presidential Election
President Yameen officially receives PPM ticket at Sunday night's ceremony
The party awarded the Presidential ticket at a ceremony held on Sunday night
Ticket was handed over to Vice-Presidential candidate Dr. Shaheem as well

Ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) has officially handed over its party ticket for the Presidential Election to it’s candidate, President Abdulla Yameen.

The ticket was awarded to President Yameen at a ruling party ceremony held on Sunday night, where ruling party deputy leaders together with PPM’s Parliamentary Group leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik, awarded the President the ruling party ticket, months after his candidacy had been announced.

President Yameen speaking at the ruling party ceremony held on Sunday night

Moreover, the ruling party’s vice-presidential candidate Dr. Shaheem Ali Saeed had also been awarded the ticket for running mate at Sunday night’s ceremony. Shaheem was awarded his ticket by PPM Deputy Leader and Member of Parliament for Fonadhoo constituency, Abdul Raheem Abdulla, Tourism Minister Moosa Zameer, and Nihan.

The religious scholar had even signed onto the ruling party at Sunday night’s ceremony. His application was accepted by President Yameen, who was made the party leader after snatchying the leadership from his half-brother and now jailed former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Ruling party hands over PPM ticket to Dr. Shaheem

While the ruling party’s members who partook in the council decided to award President Yameen party ticket, the party regulations clearly state that the opportunity for all interested individuals to contest for the party ticket should be opened. The regulations also state that that it would be decided at a party congress if an incumbent president is to be given the ticket.

Ruling party hands over Vice-Presidential ticket to Dr. Shaheem

Following this controversy, several officials who previously worked used to work with the pro-government has said that giving Presidnet Yameen the ticket it is in clear violation of PPM’s laws and regulations.

Till date, the only applications for candidacy submitted at the Elections Commission are the ones submitted by opposition coalition’s Presidential hopeful Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Vice-Presidential candidate Faisal Naseem.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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