K. Male'
25 Jul 2018 | Wed 05:18
Photo of the ceremony where the newly appointed High Court justices took their oaths of office
Photo of the ceremony where the newly appointed High Court justices took their oaths of office
Mohamed Sharuhaan
High Court bench
New High Court judges Faisal and Shaheed take oath of office
Faisal served as Vice President of the Judicial Service Commission up until his appointment to the High Court
Shaheed was a judge at the Criminal Court
The new appointment drew criticism from the opposition coalition

Judicial Service Commission (JSC)’s Vice President Mohamed Faisal and Criminal Court Judge Hussain Shaheed has been appointed to the High Court on Tuesday evening.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, media official at the JSC, Hassan Zaheen said that Faisal had resigned from his post at JSC following his appointment to the bench of judges at the High Court. However, RaajjeMV understands that he had remained as a member even during JSC’s announcement to appoint him to the High Court bench of judges on Sunday.

Photo of the ceremony where the newly appointed High Court justices took their oaths of office

Faisal was President Abdulla Yameen’s representative member of the JSC and had drawn public criticism for staying in his position at the JSC even when the Commission had announced its decision to appoint him to the bench of judges at the High Court.

The JSC was quick to reveal that Faisal had not partaken in any of the commision's work following its to appoint him to the bench of judges at the High Court.

Photo of the ceremony where the newly appointed High Court justices took their oaths of office

Shaheed, who took his oath of office along with Faisal at a ceremony on Tuesday, was appointed as a judge to the Criminal Court on the 25th of January. He previously served as a magistrate in one of the courts within the atolls.

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Vice President Muavviz Rasheed had also vied for the empty seats at the High Court, which had become vacant after two of its judges, Abdulla Didi and Abdul Ghanee Mohamed were appointed to the Supreme Court to fill up the empty seats left by jailed former Justices Abdulla Saeed and Ali Hameed.

Photo of the ceremony where the newly appointed High Court justices took their oaths of office

Following the JSC’s decision, the opposotion coalition parties expressed concerns over the appointment, saying that it was done to influence the September election.

Photo of the ceremony where the newly appointed High Court justices took their oaths of office


Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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