K. Male'
25 Jul 2018 | Wed 05:03
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Gayoom's terrorism trial
Gayoom's terrorism trial: Court approves state request to hear witness testimonies in secret
Gayoom is being charged with terrorism for allegedly offering bribes to justices of the Supreme Court and MPs
Presiding judge had approved all state requests at the hearing on Tuesday
Gayoom is currently serving a prison sentence of one year, seven months and six days under separate charges

Several documented evidences and witness testimonies have been hidden in the terrorism trial of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

In the court hearing held on Tuesday, some of the witnesses had requested for their testimonies to be taken secretly.

Gayoom had objected to this and said that taking secret testimonies is against Islamic principles and that testimonies must be taken openly in the witness box, in front of the judge. Gayoom further stressed that if secret testimonies are allowed, it paves way for witnesses to provide false statements as well.

Gayoom’s lawyer, Ibrahim Shameel said that although the criminal procedure act states that testimonies can be taken in a way that ensures witness confidentiality, since no such way is stated in the regulations, it cannot be done.

However, state attorneys said that they do not object to taking secret testimonies given that the High Court had issued a verdict approving this procedure under the criminal procedure act. Following this, presiding judge in the case, Ahmed Hailam had approved taking secret testimonies.

The second request made by the state was to ensure confidentiality of some documented evidence, including some video analysis reports, video screenshot pictures as well as witness testimonies. This was requested following a likelihood for Gayoom to influence them. Despite Gayoom’s legal representative’s attempts to alter the judge’s decision, judge Hailam had in the end approved the confidentiality of said pieces of documented evidence.

Gayoom is being charged with terrorism for allegedly offering bribes to justices of the Supreme Court as well as offering bribes to MPs Ilham Ahmed and Abdulla Sinan in a plot to overthrow the current administration since 2013. The former President is also being charged with influencing the Supreme Court to issue the ruling on the 01st of February that ordered the release of nine high-profile political prisoners and the reinstatement of 12 opposition Members of Parliament.

The state had previously in the trial, presented 33 pieces of evidence along with witnesses against Gayoom while the defense had submitted 108 names to court in his defense, along with 36 documented pieces of evidence and an additional 29 pieces of evidence that was required before the trial began.

Gayoom is currently serving a prison sentence of one year, seven months and six days for the obstruction of justice for refusing to hand over his mobile phone to the police after his arrest during the State of Emergency on the 05th of February after President Abdulla Yameen, Gayoom’s half-brother, refused to implement the February 01st Supreme Court ruling.

He is also being charged with influencing the Supreme Court to issue the ruling on 1st of February that ordered the release of nine high-profile political prisoners and the reinstatement of 12 opposition MPs.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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