K. Male'
19 Jul 2018 | Thu 11:11
Elections Commission office in capital Male\' City
Elections Commission office in capital Male' City
2018 Presidential Elections
Hours after ruling party's criticism reg. resort ballot box cut, EC changes decision
EC announced the change via twitter late Wednesday night
Less than four hours later, PPM's deputy criticized EC's decision
Elections Commission has faced immense criticism since announcing the decision to place ballot boxes in only seven resorts, or resorts with over 250 eligible voters

Elections Commission (EC) has decided to place polling stations in resorts with over 100 eligible voters, hours after the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives criticized its decision to place stations in just seven out of the over 130 resorts in the country.

In a tweet posted late Wednesday night, the Commission announced the decision to open up the opportunity to reregister at resorts, with over 100 local employees, that are willing to place polling stations.

While the Elections Commission has faced immense criticism since announcing the decision to place ballot boxes in only seven resorts, i.e resorts with over 250 eligible voters, PPM called to reverse its decision on Wednesday night.

A tweet sent out by the party's deputy leader noted that PPM 'does not believe that EC's decision to place ballot boxes in only seven resorts is the best decision'.

EC's tweet reverting its decision was sent out less than four hours later.

Commission member and spokesperson Ahmed Akram told RaajjeMV that the change was made 'due to the concerns from various resort management', and assured that EC will provide 'full support' to ensure that things go smoothly.

Noting that they expect to set up polling stations in over 40 resorts with this change, Akram said that this increases the number of officials required as well.

Elections Commission on Monday announced that they will be setting up 452 ballot boxes for September's polls including 56 polling stations for capital Malé city residents, 72 for residents from outlying resorts registered in Malé and 31 in the southernmost Addu City.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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