K. Male'
11 Jul 2018 | Wed 15:17
File photo: President Abdulla Yameen arrives in Mulah Island of Mulaku Atoll
File photo: President Abdulla Yameen arrives in Mulah Island of Mulaku Atoll
Presidents Office
President Abdulla Yameen
President returns to Malé after two-day visit to Mulak atoll
President returned to Malé City on Wednesday afternoon
During his tour, the President visited Dhiggaru, Mulah, Muli and Kolhufushi islands
He left to Malaku atoll on Tuesday

President Abdulla Yameen returned to capital Malé City on Wednesday, after a two-day visit to Mulaku atoll.

The President visited Dhiggaru, Mulah and Muli islands on Tuesday and headed Kolhufushi island before returning to Malé on Wednesday.

During the visit, President Yameen inaugurated harbours in Dhiggaru and Kolhufushi islands, as well as the sewerage systems in Dhiggaru and Mulah. President Yameen also took part in the ceremony to mark the completion of land reclamation of Muli Island.

It was while speaking in Dhiggaru that the President revealed that the European Union is expected to take action against government officials this month, blaming it on the opposition. However, he failed to address Tuesday's attacks on opposition presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih as he was conducting campaign activities.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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