K. Male'
01 Jul 2018 | Sun 23:15
MDP congress
MDP congress
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MDP Congress 2018
MDP reveals manifesto ahead of presidential election
A government under MDP will grant six months of maternity leave for employed mothers, with salary, and a one-month paternity leave for employed fathers
MDP pledged to settle the income entitled to an atoll using its resources accordingly
One of the pledges include providing fair trade for fishermen's catch

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) launched its manifesto for the 2018 presidential elections on Saturday, at its third national congress on Saturday.

A video presentation was shown at the congress meeting, where party's prominent members explained MDP's presidential pledges.


Paid leave to be granted for employed, expecting parents

An administration will grant six months of paid leave for employed mothers and a one-month leave for fathers.

Speaking at the video presentation, Musthafa Luthfee, who was running mate of former President Mohamed Nasheed in the 2013 election, said that the government will give new mothers a "gift box", and that government officials "will regularly go to the people and check their wellbeing".

"During our administration, the people will know that they are not alone. That there is a whole government to take care of their wellbeing," he said.

Luthfee said that, from the beginning of conception, their government will regularly check on expecting mothers, and that when the child is born, the government will give gift box which will be comprised of everything needed by the child.

“Citizens will be assured that they will not be alone, that they have the support and care of an island government” said Luthfee.

Another pledge under the opposition’s manifesto includes, providing pension funds for employees who have worked in the same field for a long period.


Fair prices for fishermen's catch and opportunity for entrepreneurs

MDP also pledged to provide a fair price for fishermen’s catch.

MDP stated that its manifesto proposes environment-friendly initiatives and that through it, earnings will also be significantly increased.

The manifesto states that the value of handmade products will be increased, while also keeping them at an affordable prices.

MDP further pledged to shutter state-run businesses, to reduce superfluous expenses on state institutions as well as raising profits for entrepreneurs.

Additionally, their government will also ban imports that damage the environment and create initiatives to re-use trash created in the islands.


Atolls will be entitled to money made within the region

MDP also pledged that atolls will be entitled to the money made within the region using its own resources, including in uninhabited islands.

The island council will be given the power to monitor and respond to any action taken in the island by the government. In addition, the manifesto also states that a proposal will be submitted to bring amendments to the Constitution to ensure that the principle of decentralization will be upheld.


Judicial Service Commission's tenure set at three years

One of the pledges in the manifesto also states that the term of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) will be reduced to three years.

While the Constitution currently states that the term for the JSC is five years, MDP proposed to reduce the term to three years, which would require two-third votes from the 85-seat the parliament.

Legal Director Hissan Hussain said that the changes will ensure that the citizens can trust the courts.

According to the manifesto, senior figures such as justices will not be appointed to the Commission, rather, normal, educated citizens will be given the opportunity to submit bids for membership.

According to the Constitution, the JSC consists of the parliament speaker, a Supreme Court justice other than the Chief Justice elected by other the Supreme Court justices, a High Court judge elected by other judges of the High Court, a Trial Court judge elected by other judges of the Trial Court, a member of parliament elected by MPs, a member of the general public appointed by the parliament, the chair of the Civil Service Commission, a person appointed by the President, the Attorney General, and a licensed attorney elected by other attorneys.

Hisaan said that anything that was unjustly done will be looked into and strict action will be taken against perpetrators by the government.

Hisaan also noted that court rulings must be accepted by the citizens, and that MDP believes foreign judges must be permitted to work in Maldives courts.


A transitional government

The manifesto states that once the opposition wins the election a transitional government will be established for one and a half years.

In the video presentation, North-Maafannu MP Imthiyaz Fahmy said that the one and a half years that comes after the opposition's win will see a drastic improvement in the workings of the State and that amendments will be brought to ensure the rule of a coalition government.

Imthiyaz said that the current administration has obstructed the chance of celebrated politicians contesting in the presidential election.

He also said that during the span of a transitional government, positions will be assured for parties in the coalition.

MDP's manifesto also states that amendments will be brought to the Constitution that paves way for a parliamentary system.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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