K. Male'
26 Jun 2018 | Tue 09:56
The delegation includes; foreign minister Dr.Mohamed Asim (R), fisheries minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee (L) and legal affairs minister at the President’s Office, Azima Shakoor
The delegation includes; foreign minister Dr.Mohamed Asim (R), fisheries minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee (L) and legal affairs minister at the President’s Office, Azima Shakoor
Foreign Ministry
Maldives - European Union
Maldives officials head to Brussels for ‘diplomatic consultations’ amid threats of sanctions
The high-level ministerial delegation left for Brussels on Monday
The delegation consists of, foreign minister Asim, fisheries minister Shainee and legal affairs minister at the President’s Office, Azima
The European Union, who continues to express concern over the threats to democracy and fundamental freedoms in Maldives, has warned of targeted measures against senior government officials

Senior government officials have departed to Brussels, Belgium for ‘high level diplomatic consultations’ with European Union (EU) officials, amid threats of sanctions against government officials.

The high-level ministerial delegation left for Brussels on Monday.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the delegation includes; foreign minister Dr.Mohamed Asim, fisheries minister Dr. Mohamed Shainee and legal affairs minister at the President’s Office, Azima Shakoor. Maldives Ambassador to Belgium, Ahmed Shiaan will attend the consultations as well.

Reports indicate that the delegation is to meet with officials of the European External Action Service (EEAS), which ‘manages the EU's diplomatic relations with other countries outside the bloc and conducts EU foreign and security policy’.

The European Union, who continues to express concern over the threats to democracy and fundamental freedoms in Maldives, has warned of targeted measures against senior government officials.

While a high-level delegation headed to Brussels, a European Council meeting is scheduled for June 28. Officials are to discuss the call for targeted sanctions against senior officials of the Maldivian government and its allies.

Noting that the European Union “is not an oppressive force that imposes itself on other countries”, Ambassador Shiaan had previously said that it is “unlikely” that it would do anything regarding the Maldives political situation.

A statement issued by EU in late May reads "the Ambassador of the European Union together with the Ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, the UK, Canada and the United States have followed with increasing concern the recent deterioration of the situation in the Maldives, especially in relation to the pre-election process."

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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