K. Male'
19 Jun 2018 | Tue 13:03
Managing Director of Public Service Media, Ibrahim Khaleel
Managing Director of Public Service Media, Ibrahim Khaleel
Presidents Office
Public Service Media
State media's MD denies spreading any propaganda during World Cup coverage
PSM is accused of spreading pro-government propaganda during its World Cup coverage
Khaleel said that the information in the video clips aired during the World Cup coverage was publicized in the government's book of development projects
Khaleel also denied that the state media is being influenced by the government

Managing Director of Public Service Media (PSM) has denied spreading any propaganda through its channels.

Ibrahim Khaleel made the statement after the state media was slammed for using its FIFA World Cup coverage to 'spread pro-government propaganda'.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Khaleel said that the information in the video clips aired during the World Cup coverage was publicized in the government's book of development projects.

Noting that PSM airs a programme based on the information in the said book, Khaleel denied that 'airing the clips means that they are spreading any propagandas'. He added that the point of airing the content is to show the various developments happening in the country.

Noting that PSM 'has full editorial independence', Khaleel denied having any influences from the government.

When asked on the reason for not broadcasting the activities of the opposition parties, Khaleel agreed to not having brought any news related to the upcoming congress meetings of the opposition parties and assured that he will be discussing the matter with the senior officials of the newsroom.

Khaleel further noted that candidates of the upcoming presidential elections will be given equal air time on PSM, adding that this will only be done after the Elections Commission announces the candidates. He said that all candidates will be provided the opportunity to promote themselves, as well as their manifestos.

However, despite not opening up the opportunity to do so, PSM continues to broadcast the various events and activities by the ruling party.

While there are seven members in PSM's governing body, these members are nominated by President Yameen and approved by parliament. PSM's board members were approved after the parliament was 'hijacked' by the military, with only PPM lawmakers had attended the vote. Some members of the board are openly campaigning for President Yameen.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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