K. Male'
18 Jun 2018 | Mon 20:43
Police line
Police line
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Assault and Violence
Foreigner who fled after drug-fueled fight arrested
Two Indian nationals, under the influence of drugs, were involved in the fight that broke out on Friday night
The now-arrested individual had fled the scene after the fight
The 25-year-old has been given a seven-day remand

Police on Monday arrested an Indian national who was involved in a fight in capital Male’ City.

Two Indian nationals under the influence of drugs were involved in the fight that broke out on Friday night after a heated argument. The now-arrested individual had fled the scene after the fight.

The police media officer said they have brought the 25-year-old under police custody under a court order and that the Criminal Court has remanded him for seven days.

The media official of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital told RaajjeMV that the other foreigner has undergone surgery for a burst vein and has also been treated for wounds on his back and arm.

The Hospital said that a third person had incurred injuries to his chest while attempting to break up the fight. He had received treatment at the hospital and was discharged later that day.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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