K. Male'
17 Jun 2018 | Sun 15:33
The vote list from the 2013 Presidential Elections
The vote list from the 2013 Presidential Elections
Presidential Elections 2018
24,000 people will be voting for first time in this year's election: EC
This is a 32% decrease from the 2013 presidential elections
There were over 30,000 first-time voters in 2013
The first round of the Presidential Election is to be held on 23 September

24,018 of the 263,183 eligible voters for the upcoming presidential elections will be first-time voters, according to the Election Commission (EC) statistics.

This is a 32% decrease from the 2013 presidential election, where there were 30,913 first-time voters.

While the 2018 presidential election is scheduled for September 23, there will be a total of 263,183 eligible voters. This is a nine percent increase from 2013's 239,165 eligible voters.

The EC is currently conducting surveys, to confirm locations where ballot boxes will be placed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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