K. Male'
16 Jun 2018 | Sat 17:04
Jumhooree Party holds strike
Jumhooree Party holds strike
Jumhooree Party
JP's new flag and logo to be approved at party congress
EC had approved the use of the new flag and logo, but it's official use will commence after approval at party congress
EC stated that the flag and logo mirrored that of the standard used by the President
EC had in 2017 ordered JP to halt the use of it's flag and logo referring to the new protocol issued by Home Ministry regarding the use of national flag

Jumhooree Party will be approving their new flag and logo at their congress meeting this weekend.

Speaking at a press conference held on Saturday, the party’s Secretary General Ahmed Sameer said that over a year has passed since a case regarding their flag and logo had been lodged at the Civil Court, adding that while a few months have passed since all the hearings in the case had concluded, that it is an injustice that the Civil Court is delaying the issuance of a verdict in the court proceeding.

According to the Secretary General, while three letters had been submitted at the Supreme Court regarding the issue of their flag and logo, they are yet to receive a response to them. Sameer added that the party had written to the Supreme Court inquiring on Civil Court's delay in issuing a verdict, to no avail.

Furthermore, Sameer added that they had in a letter addressed to the Civil Court noted that it is of utmost importance for the court to reach a decision regarding their flag and logo as the JP’s congress is fast approaching, to which the court is yet to respond.

Accordingly, JP’s new flag and logo will be sent for approval at the party’s congress to be held on upcoming Thursday and Friday.

Sameer further highlighted that although the Elections Commission had approved their use of the new flag and logo for different purposes of the party, they will officially begin using them after approval from the congress.

The Elections Commission had in 2017, ordered JP to halt the use of its flag and logo referring to the new protocol issued by the Home Ministry regarding the use of the national flag.

In the letter addressed to party leader Qasim Ibrahim, the EC ordered the halt stating that the party’s flag and logo mirrored the standard used by the President, ordering it to change them before the 01st of June 2017, following which the party had lodged a case at the Civil Court seeking to annul EC’s order banning the use of the party’s flag and logo.

The party, upon having ordered to halt the use of a flag and logo they had been using since 2005, had refused to obey, having stated that such an order cannot be issued by the EC,

The protocol issued by the Home Ministry over a year ago states that any flag or signage that bears a resemblance to the President’s flag will not be permitted to use.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany