K. Male'
09 Jun 2018 | Sat 23:18
Watermelons from Thoddoo island
Watermelons from Thoddoo island
Local Market Prices
Watermelon prices hike in local market
The hike in watermelon prices is due to low availability
Watermelons come from Alif Alif Thoddoo and Thaa Kandoodhoo
The product most abundantly available in the market are chillies from Kandoodhoo island

Watermelon prices have hiked at the local market in capital city Male'.

Merchants at the local market said that watermelons are now available at MVR 45 per kilogram, adding that they predict prices to rise up to MVR 50 in the coming days.

According to merchants, the hike in watermelon prices are due to the low availability from suppliers in Alif Alif Thoddoo and Thaa Kandoodhoo.

The product most abundantly available in the market are chillies from Kandoodhoo island.

At the local market, chillies are MVR 45 per 100g, passion fruit are MVR 60 per kg, ladies fingers are MVR 45 per kg, guava are MVR 70 per kg, and papayas are MVR 30 per kg.

Coconuts are between MVR 5 - 8. There has not been much of a change in coconut prices this Ramadan.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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