K. Male'
03 Jun 2018 | Sun 16:33
Form submissions for flats under housing scheme
Form submissions for flats under housing scheme
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Government Housing Scheme
Form submission made efficient, can do so within five minutes: housing ministry
Nazeem expressed his gratitude to the citizens for accepting the amenities provided
Applicants can take their tokens from QueueBee application and wait at home until their turn
Form submissions will be accepted from 10:00 a.m til 01:30 p.m and from 09:00 p.m to 11:00 p.m at night until the end of July

The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has said that form submissions for flats under the government's housing scheme "Hiyaa" can be completed without much hassle in five minutes.

While form submissions started on Sunday, 20 counters have been stationed and are providing services at once. An online token system has also been placed to bring a solution to hold-ups on queues.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Deputy Minister at the Housing Ministry Ibrahim Nazeem said that accepting form submissions had commenced very smoothly, expressing his gratitude to the citizens for accepting the amenities provided there.

Form submissions for flats under housing scheme

"Applicants can take their tokens from QueueBee application and come submit their forms when it is to 10 minutes. We did this to make the process more efficient. There are 20 stations providing service. Form submissions will not even take five minutes" said Nazeem.

Form submissions for flats under housing scheme

While officials at the stations had begun accepting forms at 10am on Sunday, submissions will be accepted til 1:30pm and continue later in the night from 9:00pm to 11:00pm.

Nazeem said that forms will be accepted till the end of July at their stations in Dharubaaruge on weekdays. He further said that officials have been arranged to provide further information on form submission protocol and to help applicants to fill out their forms.

Forms will be distributed for those who wish to fill them out right then and there as well.

Form submissions for flats under housing scheme

"Four tables have been set up in the center of the hall. Individuals can approach officials at the desks for further information and our staff will provide the most adequate answers to their queries" said Nazeem.

7,000 flats are to be issued under the 12 categories that come under the government's shelter program.

Form submissions for flats under housing scheme

The categories include: 1,044 flats to those registered in Male' city's registry, 1,000 flats for civil servants, 1,000 flats for Male' community residents, 1,000 flats for married couples aged between 18-40, 625 flats for teachers, 600 flats for police and military officers, 475 flats for doctors and nurses, 500 flats for single mothers and fathers, 300 flats for those who were not granted flats after having registered and made payments for Gulhifalhu and were not able to make payments for Tata flats, 256 flats for the poverty-stricken in west-maafannu ward of capital city Male' and as well as 200 flats for disabled families.

Individuals can submit forms under one out of the mentioned categories.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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