K. Male'
03 Jun 2018 | Sun 10:10
Form distribution under
Form distribution under
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Hiyaa Housing Scheme
Tokens to be issued for form submissions under housing scheme starting Sunday
Form submissions will proceed from 10:00 a.m onwards
Online token system through QueueBee application has been administered
Form downloads and details of the housing scheme are available through the ministry's official website

Form submissions under the government's housing program "Hiyaa" set to commence on Sunday.

The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure said that form submissions will proceed from 10:00 a.m onwards. According to the ministry, online token system through QueueBee application will be administered.

Form downloads and details of the housing scheme are available through the ministry's official website.

Categories under the housing scheme include: 1,044 flats to those registered in Male' city's registry, 1,000 flats for civil servants, 1,000 flats for Male' community residents, 1,000 flats for married couples aged between 18-40, 650 flats for teachers, 600 flats for police and military officers, 475 flats for doctors and nurses, 400 flats for single mothers and fathers, 300 flats for those who were not granted flat after having registered and made payments for Gulhifalhu and were not able to make payments for Tata flats, 256 flats for the poverty-stricken in west-maafannu ward of capital city Male' and 200 flats for disabled families.

While form submissions are to commence, many continue to call out on the massive corruption in the current government's Shelter program and many are accusing the state of prioritizing high profile government officials and members of the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) when giving out flats.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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