K. Male'
31 May 2018 | Thu 17:52
Former Special Operations commander, Police Inspector Saif Hussain arrested
Former Special Operations commander, Police Inspector Saif Hussain arrested
Saif Hussain
First preliminary hearing in former SO commander's case cancelled
The three being charged with attempting to conceal evidence, were arresting under the SoE
They are; former Special Operations commander, Saif Hussain; former Deputy Minister at the tourism ministry, Shazail Siyam; and former Media Cordinator at the home ministry Thazmeel Abdul Samad
Cancellation is followed by state attorneys presiding over the case being wrapped up in other court trials

A hearing scheduled for Thursday in the case of Former Special Operations commander, Police Inspector Saif Hussain who was arrested in mid February upon charges of obstrutction of justice for attempting to conceal evidence, has been cancelled.

Saif, who is being charged with conspiring to overthrow the government as well, faces obstruction charges for attempting to hide evidence for which Former Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Tourism Shazail Siyam and former Media Cordinator at the Ministry of Home Affairs Thazmeel Abdul Samad had also been charged with obstruction for their alleged involvement in hiding Saif's phone and their charges have since been filed at Criminal Court.

The first preliminary hearing in the case against Saif, Thazmeel and Shazail had been scheduled at 12:30 p.m on Thursday at the Criminal Court, but was cancelled since the state attorneys presiding over the case are evidently wrapped up in other court trials.

The three were arrested under the State of Emergency in mid February. Except for the former SO commander, the other two had been released from incarceration upon the conclusion of the State of Emergency after a prolonged period of 45 days.

Along with Saif, other detained officers include Station Inspector Faiz Mohamed; former SWAT team member, Sergeant Abdulla Riyaz; Corporal Ali Naseer; Corporal Hassan Naseer; Corporal Mohamed Shameen; Sergeant Ahmed Asim; and Sergeant Mohamed Rishwan who have since been dismissed from their duties under the accusations of conspiring to overthrow the government with some individuals.

Former Police Commissioner Ahmed Areef has also been arrested under the same allegation, and has been accused of terrorism. He has since been dismissed from the post as well.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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