K. Male'
30 May 2018 | Wed 20:09
Local bank MIB\'s Faisa Card promotion
Local bank MIB's Faisa Card promotion
Maldives Islamic Bank
Maldives Islamic Bank
Local bank begins promotion carrying 10% discount at Poppadums!
The promotion will proceed from the 30th of May till 30th of June
All customers using their Faisa Card will automatically be enrolled in this promotion.

Local bank, Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) has begun a promotion featuring local restaurant Acha's Poppadums popular for it's Indian cuisine.

MIB had in a tweet posted on it's official twitter account, wrote that customers can use their Faisa Cards to receive upto 10% discount from their bills at the restaurant starting from the 20th of May till the 30th of June.

The local bank added that all customers using their Faisa Card will automatically be enrolled in this promotion.

The bank had previously begun a promotion with local restaurant Lemongrass which has since concluded successfully.

It had also begun a Ramadan promotion earlier, and concluded it on the 17th of May.

Under said promotion, customers were opened opportunity to make purchases of products ranging upto MVR 250,000 and the reimbursement of the cost was set under the promotion within three years.

Some of the products that were featured under the promotion include house hold furnishings and several electronic devices.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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