K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 10:45
A hearing in obstruction charges against chief justice Saeed, justice Hameed, and ex-pres. Maumoon will be held at 09:30pm
A hearing in obstruction charges against chief justice Saeed, justice Hameed, and ex-pres. Maumoon will be held at 09:30pm
Mohamed Sharuhaan
SC Justices & Maumoon
Three hearings scheduled for Tuesday in trials of SC justices and ex-president
Appeal hearings in cases filed by Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed will be held at the High Court
Hearings on charges against MP SInan and two employees of ex-pres. Maumoon will be held at the Criminal Court
A hearing in obstruction charges against chief justice Saeed, justice Hameed, and ex-pres. Maumoon will be held at 09:30pm

Multiple hearings in the state’s mass prosecution of individuals that have been accused of ‘conspiring to overthrow the government’ in a recent ‘judicial coup’ has been scheduled for Tuesday.

The first of these will be held at the High Court at 10:15am, and the presiding judge will hear sentenced Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed’s appeal. Chief Justice Saeed has been sentenced to one year, seven months and six days in jail for influencing other members of the judiciary.

The High Court will also hear top court justice Ali Hameed’s appeal of the same conviction at 1:30pm. Both justices are facing several other charges but were found guilty of influencing the judiciary in mid-May and were given maximum jail terms.

A Criminal Court hearing in the terrorism charges against MP Abdulla Sinan is set for 12:00pm on Tuesday. The lawmaker is accused of working with his colleagues in parliament to overthrow the government.

The court will also hold a hearing at 11:00am on the bribery allegations put forth against Mohamed Azmee and Najma Ibrahim, two employees of former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. They are accused of being involved in said ‘conspiracy’ and are long serving employees of the former strongman.

A hearing in the state’s obstruction charges against chief justice Saeed, justice Ali Hameed, and former president Maumoon will be held at 09:30pm.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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