K. Male'
28 May 2018 | Mon 23:10
Gayoom brought to criminal court for hearing in his trial
Gayoom brought to criminal court for hearing in his trial
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Have never committed a criminal offence, not even during my tenure: Gayoom
33 pieces of evidence and witnesses had been gathered by the state against Gayoom
Gayoom given chance to present defence witnesses before 12:00 p.m on 03rd June

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has refuted the claims upon which he is being charged with terrorism, calling the state's claims blatant lies and asserting that never had he in his life committed a criminal offence, not even in his 30-year rule.

In the preliminary hearing held on Monday over the terrorism charges, the state prosecutor accused the long-serving statesman of offering bribes to court justices to influence court ruling under his command since 2013. 

The State prosecutor also states that Gayoom had bribed and planned a judicial coup with Member of Parliament for Dhangethi constituency Ilham Ahmed and South-Mahchangoalhi constituency Abdulla Sinan as well as influenced the issuing of the ruling from the Supreme Court on February 1 ordering the release of prominent political detainees and reinstatement of opposition parliamentarians.

Other charges against him include pitting officers of the Maldives Police Service (MPS) against each other through former Police Commissioner Ahmed Areef and creating unrest among the public.

Upon the hearing, Gayoom had refuted all the charges raised against him, dismissing them as baseless, adding that he had never in his entire life committed a criminal offence.

The charges against Gayoom remain unclear following which his legal attorney Maumoon Hameed had said that while terrorism allegations have been raised on Gayoom, the state prosecutor had not enlightened what exactly the act of terror was that Gayoom committed, neither had they explained which justices Gayoom had bribed in the bribery charges raised against him. Furthermore Gayoom's alleged role in the issuing of the February 1 Supreme Court ruling has not been made clear either, and nor have the court rulings which he had allegedly influenced been stated.

Hameed also said that he does not believe that the state has any basis behind the charges either.

Moreover, Hameed said that it has to be made perfectly clear what Gayoom had done to overthrow the government, what he had done to create unrest among public and what role he had played inthe issuing of the 01st of February Supreme Court ruling.

Responding to Hameed, the state prosecutor had said that more details will follow with the secret testimonies that had been submitted to court.

The State prosecutor also said that if they were to reveal details of the charges against Gayoom regarding justices, secrecy will be lost.

33 pieces of evidence and witnesses had been gathered by the state against Gayoom.

Judge presiding over Gayoom's case, Ahmed Hailam had given opportunity for Gayoom to present evidence in his defence and asked that everything necessary for the trial be submitted before 12:00 p.m on the 03rd of June.

Judge Hailam had also decided to proceed with Gayoom's terrorism trial.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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