K. Male'
27 May 2018 | Sun 08:22
Jumhooree Party leader and one of the opposition leaders, Qasim Ibrahim
Jumhooree Party leader and one of the opposition leaders, Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
JP leader Qasim Ibrahim
JP leader questions Pres. Yameen's Islamic moralities
Qasim expressed deep concerns over former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's cruel incarceration
Never has the country in it's history, seen such a foul and tyrannical rule.
Qasim said that possibilities may arise that he may stand behind the President on a day that free and fair ballots are allowed

Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim has chided incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom, posing questions over his Islamic moralities.

Speaking at the special ceremony held in Frankfurt, Germany on the 26th of May to welcome Former Chairperson of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Ali Waheed who was living in exile in the United Kingdom since the massive May Day rally of 2015, to Qasim's Jumhooree Party, Qasim had aimed heavy criticism at President Yameen, going as far as to accuse him of various atrocities.

Qasim, having questioned President Yameen's Islamic morality, had expressed deep concerns over former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's cruel incarceration.

"This is not something I say in Maumoon's defense. It does sadden me, Allah has decreed for us to care for women, children and the elderly. Are you [President Yameen] a Muslim?" Qasim posed.

As such, Qasim called on the President to not take pride in his dynasty and that he is headed straight into his own ruin.

"I am telling you [President Yameen] your excellency, you are headed straight into your own ruin. You cannot preserve the harmony and welfare of the nation, You cannot in such ways, as Allah never tolerates violence" said the opposition leader.

Accusing President Yameen of inflicting abuse on opposition figures through courts, Qasim called on him to bring an end to the obstruction of justice under his autocratic influence, adding that never has the country in it's history, seen such a foul and tyrannical rule.

Qasim had highlighted that he had given his vote in favor of passing the bill to amend the qualifications that come under the constitution for presidential candidates in a way that persons over 65 cannot run for office, just to liberate himself from President Yameen.

"I did that to liberate myself from him [President Yameen], hoping he gets off my case but no, he did not let me off the hook that easily." Qasim added.

Calling on President Yameen to give equal opportunities for opposing contestants and make the  upcoming Presidential Elections free and fair, Qasim said "that day, I could be with you [President Yameen]."

"I do not mean I will stand behind you, nor do I mean I will", he added.

The Presidential Elections are slated for September this year.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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