K. Male'
24 May 2018 | Thu 18:19
Former Commander of SO Saif Hussain
Former Commander of SO Saif Hussain
Detained SO officers
Detained officers transferred back to house arrest
Along with Saif and Faiz, six other officers were detained over the same accusations
All eight detained officers were transferred to house arrest in April
Saif and Faiz were transferred back to prison two days later, based on an intelligence report

Criminal Court has on Thursday, ordered to transfer former Specialist Operations (SO) Commander, Inspector Saif Hussain and former Station Inspector Faiz Mohamed back to house arrest.

This is the second time the two officers have been transferred to house arrest. They were first transferred to house arrest in April, along with the other six detained officers. However, less than two days later, the two were transferred back to prison based on an 'intelligence report'.

While all eight officers were transferred to house arrest on the condition ‘not to use any technologies to communicate with anyone’, police accused them of continuing to do work related to the accusations raised against them.

The eight arrested officers include; Saif Hussain; Faiz Mohamed; former SWAT team member, Sergeant Abdulla Riyaz; Corporal Ali Naseer; Corporal Hassan Naseer; Corporal Mohamed Shameen; Sergeant Ahmed Asim; and Sergeant Mohamed Rishwan.

Since their arrest, the officers have been dismissed from their duties. According to the dismissal notice, they are accused of conspiring with some individuals, to overthrow the government

Within the wave of arrests made by the authorities following the state of emergency included former Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef's arrest as well. He was arrested under the same accusations and was dismissed from his post. He has been charged with terrorism.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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