K. Male'
22 May 2018 | Tue 15:23
Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari
Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari
Presidents Office
Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari
Ex-Islamic Minister Dr. Majeed passes away
The former minister passed away on Tuesday
He had been receiving treatment at the ICU since suffering a stroke on Friday
His family rushed to his side on Friday

Former Islamic Minister Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari has passed away on Tuesday, at the age of 55.

The former minister had suffered a stroke while visiting Sri Lanka, and was found unconscious on the floor of the room he was staying in last Friday. He was rushed to the hospital, and his family traveled to Colombo immediately.

He is reported to have undergone three surgeries since Friday, and was put on ventilator support two days ago.

Dr. Bari had been the Islamic Minister during former President Nasheed’s three-year administration, and had remained an active member of the opposition movement until his last days. He was also a lecturer at the Maldives National University.

The first Maldivian to earn a doctorate in Tafsir and Ulum al-Quran, Dr. Bari studied at the Islamic University of Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

Following news of the former minister’s demise, President Abdulla sent a condolence message to his family, noting that he was ‘saddened’ to hear the news.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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