K. Male'
21 May 2018 | Mon 09:17
Dr Abdul Majeed (l) with former President Mohamed Nasheed
Dr Abdul Majeed (l) with former President Mohamed Nasheed
Sun Online
Dr Majeed's Ill Health
President Yameen saddened over Dr Majeed’s ill health
Dr Majeed is on ventilator support at a Sri Lankan hospital after suffering a stroke on Friday
Spokesperson at the President’s Office Ibrahim Muaz Ali posted a quote from the President in a tweet on Sunday saying that he prays to God that Dr Majeed has a quick recovery
Dr Majeed is a well-known educator of Islam who lectures at Maldivian colleges and universities

President Abdulla Yameen has said that he was saddened to hear of former Islamic Minister Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari being admitted at the Intensive Care Unit.

Dr Majeed is on ventilator support at a Sri Lankan hospital after suffering a stroke on Friday.

Spokesperson at the President’s Office Ibrahim Muaz Ali posted a quote from the President in a tweet on Sunday saying that he prays to God that Dr Majeed has a quick recovery and that he sends his condolences to the family.

Dr Majeed was found unconscious inside his room after a trip to Sri Lanka.

He was the country’s first Islamic Minister after being appointed by President Mohamed Nasheed and establishing an Islamic Ministry. He is a well-known educator of Islam who lectures at Maldivian colleges and universities.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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