K. Male'
16 May 2018 | Wed 12:51
Ahmed Bunyamin
Ahmed Bunyamin
Ahmed Bunyamin appointed to HDC's board of directors
Bunyamin has been working at HDC for the past year, as deputy managing director
He had previously worked at MIFCO for three years
Bunyamin is seen very active in First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim's various social and political events

Ahmed Bunyamin has been appointed as a board director at the Housing Development Corporation (HDC).

While he has been appointed to the board, Bunyamin has been working at the company for the past year, as its deputy managing director.

HDC has updated its website following his appointment to the board of directors; there are currently five board directors- Chairman Mohamed Shahid, Managing Director Mohamed Saiman, Ahmed Ali Habeeb, Abdul Samad Abdul Rahman and Bunyamin.

Bunyamin, seen leading some of the social and political movements held by First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim, had previously served at the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) for three years, both as its deputy chief executive officer and managing director.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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