K. Male'
16 May 2018 | Wed 07:03
Former President Nasheed\'s campaign manager Mohamed Aslam addressing the press
Former President Nasheed's campaign manager Mohamed Aslam addressing the press
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MDP Primaries
'Talks of President Nasheed's illegitimacy to run for presidency is due to President Yameen's fear for him': Campaign Manager
President Nasheed has communicated with 2565 people via 29 skype calls in 12 islands
President Nasheed has begun 'door-to-door campaigning through skype'
Aslam called called President Nasheed's supporters who aren't registered in the party to get registered and vote for him in MDP's presidential primary election

Former President Mohamed Nasheed's campaign manager Mohamed Aslam has said that the government speaks of President Nasheed's illegitimacy to run for presidency due to President Yameen's fear for him. 

At the first press conference given at President Nasheed's campaign office, his campaign manager Aslam announced the beginning of President Nasheed's campaign to win votes for Maldivian Democratic Party's (MDP) primary elections. 

Mohamed Aslam stated that they aside from two grand assemblages, President Nasheed has communicated with 2565 people via 29 skype calls in 12 islands. He added that President Nasheed has begun 'door-to-door campaigning through skype' and spoke about the next assemblages planned to be held at GDh. Thinadhoo and B. Thulhaadhoo. 

President Nasheed's campaign manager also announced meetings to be held at AA. Ukulhas and Male' next week. The team is working on their plan to secure Carnival area for the event in Male'. However, Aslam told the press that the government has not responded to the letters sent requesting for a venue. 

'We sent letters requesting to acquire Alimas Carnival for four events on the 9th of this month. We still haven't gotten an answer', Aslam stated. 

Aslam told the press that people have started applying forms pledging support for his candidacy while requesting more people to apply them and called President Nasheed's supporters who aren't registered in the party to get registered and vote for him in MDP's presidential primary election. 

President Nasheed's campaign team has held a youth focussed event called 'Kulli Kalhi' and plans on having three more in the future. 

The events will include showcasing a youth's talent and President Nasheed meeting the youth directly, Aslam informed. 

Answering to a question asked by RaajjeTV at the press conference, the campaign manager said they are out to work on something extremely important and that there is a limit to which government can stop them, while reaffirming that President Nasheed can and will contest in the elections this year. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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