K. Male'
16 May 2018 | Wed 02:37
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaks to supporters via Skype
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaks to supporters via Skype
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Ex-Pres Nasheed
Nasheed begins door-to-door campaign via Skype
His first Skype call was with a family at MA Thabahge in Male' on Tuesday
Nasheed's manager said they have received numerous requests for meetings with Nasheed
So far, Nasheed has met with 2,565 Maldivians through 29 Skype sessions in 12 islands

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has begun a door-to-door campaign via Skype as part of his campaign to get his party, MDP’s, ticket for this year’s presidential election.

His first Skype call was with a family at MA Thabahge in Male' on Tuesday.

Nasheed, speaking from Colombo, enquired on the family’s health and asked for their support.

North-Hithadhoo MP Mohamed Aslam, Nasheed’s campaign manager, said that many families have asked to have a meeting with Nasheed via Skype and that they are trying to give as many families the chance to speak with him.

Aslam noted that meeting Nasheed has brightened up people and given them more motivation to work to free themselves from the current government’s tyranny.

So far, Nasheed has met with 2,565 Maldivians through 29 Skype sessions in 12 islands.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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