K. Male'
16 May 2018 | Wed 02:34
Parliament members at the Criminal Court
Parliament members at the Criminal Court
Trial of 12 Dismissed MPs
12 dismissed MPs: Lawmakers were not given trial documents
The 12 MPs are being charged for entering the parliament building by breaking through police ranks during a lockdown on 24 July 2017
State prosecutors admitted that the documents given to the defense were not copies of the PG's documents submitted to the court
Prosecutors said they would still be able to make changes to the documents since the case is still in its preliminary hearings

It has been found that there were discrepancies between the trial documents handed to 12 dismissed opposition MPs being charged over obstruction of a state official and the actual documents handed over to the court.

The 12 MPs are being charged for entering the parliament building by breaking through police ranks during a lockdown on 24 July 2017 after the Elections Commission (EC) unseated them.

It was found at Tuesday’s hearing that the documents given to the MPs were not copies of the documents that the Prosecutor General (PG)’s office submitted to court.

At the hearing, Kendhoo MP Ali Hussain’s lawyer said that the state had listed two witnesses. However, the presiding judge said that his document shows that more than two witnesses were to testify against the MP. Afterwards, the state prosecutors admitted that the documents given to the defense were not copies of the documents submitted to the court. It was then found out that the documents given to the other MPs did not match the court’s documents, either.

The defense then said that the state should not be able to present witnesses not listed in the documents given to the MPs, and also requested that the charges be nullified since the mix-up had violated procedure.

The state prosecutors said they would still be able to make changes to the documents since the case is still in its preliminary hearings. However, in previous such incidents, the Criminal Court had ruled not to hear witnesses not listed in the documents.

State evidence submitted to court include a letter sent to the defense ministry on the same day the MPs are alleged to have illegally entered the parliament building. The state also said that calls were made to Chief of Defense Force Ahmed Shiyam and then-Police Commissioner Ahmed Areef to ask for their assistance in providing security at the parliament building on that day. The court requested the state to find out which time the ministry received the letter and to confirm whether there were recordings of the calls to the senior security officers.

The MPs being charged with obstruction are Hinnavaru MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Kinbidhoo MP Abdulla Riyaz, Thulusdhoo MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Central-Hithadhoo MP Ibrahim Mohamed Didi, North-Hithadhoo MP Mohamed Aslam, kendhoo MP Ali Hussain, South-Henveiru MP Mohamed Abdul Kareem, West-Maafannu MP Mohamed Falah, Nolhivaram MP Hussain Areef, Maduvvari MP Mohamed Ameeth, Villingili MP Saud Hussain, and North-Henveiru MP Abdulla Shahid.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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