K. Male'
14 May 2018 | Mon 09:33
Yumna Maumoon brought to Police Headquarters
Yumna Maumoon brought to Police Headquarters
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Yumna Maumoon
Yumna Maumoon presents herself to police questioning, with lawyer
Yumna was on the 08th of May given five days to appoint a lawyer
On Sunday Yumna presented herself to police HQ with lawyer Moosa Siraj
Among the many who had accompanied her to the police HQ area included her twin sister Dunya Maumoon

After being give five days to appoint a lawyer, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's daughter, Yumna Maumoon was once again summoned to the Maldives Police Service on Sunday.

She was first summoned on May 8, and was given the five days to appoint a legal representative. 

On Sunday, she presented herself to police once again, this time with her lawyer Moooa Siraj.

A number of senior opposition officials, as well as supporters, accompanied the former deputy minister to the police headquarters on Sunday. Her sister, Dunya Maumoon was seen near the police headquarters as well.

The former first daughter is accused of being involved in bribering parliament members and Supreme Court justices in an attempt to overthrow the government.

While the police have begun questioning Yumna over these allegations, her husband Mohamed Nadheem is currently in detention- also under the same allegations.

In addition, her father, former President Maumoon has been in police custody since February 5, and has since been charged with obstruction and terrorism. He is also accused to working to overthrow the government. Yumna's brother, Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon is also in detention.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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