K. Male'
14 May 2018 | Mon 15:21
MP Abdulla Shahid (l) and MP Mohamed Aslam
MP Abdulla Shahid (l) and MP Mohamed Aslam
Dismissed MPs
Abdulla Shahid and Aslam given court summons
MP Aslam is former President Nasheed's campaign manager
The summons is regarding their entry into the parliament building during a lockdown on 24 July 2017
Overall, 12 MPs are accused of breaking police ranks to get inside the parlaiment

North-Henveiru MP Abdulla Shahid and North-Hithahdhoo MP Mohamed Aslam have received a court summons.

Shahid and Aslam, former President Nasheed's campaign manager, received the summons on Sunday for entering the parliament building during a lockdown on 24 July 2017.

They are to be summoned at 10am on Tuesday.

Aslam on Twitter said that he is ready to go to court and even jail but that it will not stop former President Nasheed's campaign.

Overall, 12 MPs are accused of breaking police ranks to get inside the parlaiment. The MPs have said that the police service do not have authority to stop them from entering the parliament building. After their entrance, police and military officers forcefully booted them off the building. Police have since taken statements from all the MPs.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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