K. Male'
13 May 2018 | Sun 05:34
A police officer carries away the peacock
A police officer carries away the peacock
Missing Peacock
Police find missing peacock
The peacock was found after information of the missing bird was posted on social media with appeals for help to find it
The peacock was first found on top of a roof of an apartment building
The peacock was found three days after it went missing

Police have caught a peacock that went missing in Male’ and has returned it to the owner.

The police service said that peacocks can be legally brought into the country.

The peacock was found after information of the missing bird was posted on social media with appeals for help to find it.

The peacock was first found on top of a roof of an apartment building. A second photo showed it being taken away by a police officer. Some believed that the bird was being taken into custody.

The peacock was found three days after it went missing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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