K. Male'
12 May 2018 | Sat 15:15
Aminath Nadhira, Deputy Leader of PPM\'s Maumoon faction
Aminath Nadhira, Deputy Leader of PPM's Maumoon faction
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Gayoom's health deteriorating with each passing day : Nadhira
Nadhira said that no improvements are seen in Gayoom's health condition
He had been brought into ADK hospital from Dhoonidhoo island on Friday very abruptly

Aminath Nadhira, Deputy Leader of the ruling party faction led by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has said that detained former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's health condition is deteriorating with each passing day.

Responding to a question posed by RaajjeMV, Nadhira said that no improvements are seen in Gayoom's health condition and that he had been brought into ADK hospital in the capital city Male' from Dhoonidhoo island on Friday very abruptly.

Nadhira said that an MRI scan along with a few tests had been done after a consultation with an ophthalmologist after being brought to ADK on Friday, adding that Gayoom's family has not yet received the test and scan results.

"Some had seen Gayoom at the hospital and informed his family through phone call. His family saw him in the hospital, but were not given the chance to meet," said Nadhira.

Nadhira mentioned that Gayoom has been diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) which causes brief spells of spinning sensations that may cause sudden collapses or even serious ailments such as a stroke and so someone must be present with him at all times.

Nadhira also believes that the Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) will not be able to adequately attend to Gayoom's health during the upcoming month of Ramadan.

Therefore, Nadhira said he must be transferred to house arrest.

Nadhira highlights that as Gayoom is not a convicted criminal, the rights guaranteed to him must not be seized.

While the documents of Gayoom's medical consultations were handed over to the authorities by his family as they continue to appeal to state institutions to transfer him to house arrest where he can be with his family, the state is yet to respond to their appeal.

Nadhira expressed her concern that there is no hope to this purpose adding that the family is deeply concerned about this.

Various charges have been pressed on Gayoom including obstruction of justice, bribery and terrorism after his arrest on February 5, mere hours after the state of emergency was declared over the country by current President and half-brother Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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